
Monday, April 14, 2014

Well look at me slapping my head lke the Spatula City guy

I almost forgot to tell you how I entertain myself when I'm blocking out raving maniacs on the train

All the news that's fit to be on Goblin Axis

Alright, so here's what's goin' on in the video gaming world of your friend and mine, Gravity Zombie:

Rune Factory 4

Am I formatting this right?

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Howdy and good evening Goblinaxians.

So, under the (extremely) optimistic assumption that there were, at one point, people reading the reviews we've posted here, I am today announcing that we're going to do a change of format on account of not wanting to put as much effort into writing reviews as we had been. Please hold WHAT EFFORT WHAT SEXY DRESS jokes until the end of the post.

The thing about writing reviews that we're personally happy with (I shy from saying "proud of" because that's a pretty strong phrasing, but you get me) is that they actually require a modicum of effort. The problem with that being that Sly Ghost and I are lazy bastards with aspirations of greatness and delusions of grandeur.

If you have, for some reason, been regularly checking the site, you'll notice we haven't had a post in almost two months. Two GOD DAMNED months. Obviously this is a hobby blog: something we do in addition to our day to day lives of going to work and eating processed cheese and filling our mattresses with money to see how it feels to sleep like a millionaire and finding out it's not that great. But that said, I was basically blowing entire nights on doing these reviews, mainly due to having to actually play through video games I've picked out because they look interesting, but don't wand to grind through for hours on end to get a decent enough feel of the thing to do a review. That, and it's of course a lot harder to enjoy gameplay when you're taking down mental and/or physical notes for things you want to talk about in the review and generally treating a recreational activity like legitimate reportage. I dunno if you've ever heard Mark talk about doing work on Classic Game Room, but as I understand it he's basically grinding out games constantly. That's to say nothing about how he's shooting and editing a video (Two, actually, now that he's doing the promos on YouTube and the actual reviews on DailyMotion).

Of course, the difference here is that CGR is a source of income with an office and stuff, and Goblin Axis was a project my friend and I did when we were bored this past winter.

I now want to take a moment to apologize for the previous two paragraphs. It sounds like I'm bitching over the laborious process of reviewing video games, and that's not really what I'm trying to convey at all. It actually is fun when everything comes together, even if "everything" is just a thousand words and four pictures with hi-larious captions. I guess I'm just trying to come up with an excuse for why we haven't done a thing since February. Well, there's the excuse for ya: it takes a few hours to do a review and we said "I don't wanna do that tonight" for 60 nights in a row, give or take. We're lazy.

It was nice to have a place to write every once in a while, though, so we decided to do a bit of a revival of Goblin Axis. The main difference is that we're turning down our responsibility meters considerably and changing the format to more of a standard blog, where we basically just crack our skulls open and pour our juicy brain drippings all over the internet, no matter how pointless they may be. You may think this is self-indulgent bullshit, and in a way, you're right. In another way, however, you are right but there's nothing you can do about it. Maybe we'll go back to the old review format from time to time, but for now just expect a bunch of "rambling thoughts" style posts. You know, like a journal. After all, Blog is short for Weblogjournal.

As an aside, we'll probably keep the theme of the site to video games, because they're quite popular with the kids on the internet these days. Also, they're easy to write about and will keep this already obscure site from becoming a complete dumping ground of random shit. Ideally.

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Let's see if I can write this review without using the word "disorienting."

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Soul Blazer

Playable and fun, but I'm not quite sure why.

Hearthstone Revisited

There's always time for Hearthstone.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

This game is a cut above lol lol lol

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


It's like Bop It, except for that it has no qualities in common

Who wants an update?

Howdy folks.  If you read my Socket review you'll know that I was flying across the country recently.  Gravity Zombie has basically been working 30 hours a day for some reason but he assures me that's over now.  The content will flow.

I'm in the middle of playing the hell out of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and definitely plan on reviewing it.  I want to finish the game before I do, though, because there are some major gripes I have that may or may not be assuaged in some sort of New Game+ mode or something.  I'll try to get it finished in the next couple days.  Even if I don't I'll go ahead and review something today or tomorrow anyway.

Until then, buy MGR.  Even if the flaws come to pass it's still one of the best games I've played in several years.  I enjoy a slice.


Sock it to me joke goes here

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fatal Labyrinth

Playin' some Fatal Labby on the Sega Genny

Friday, January 17, 2014


The oldest game in the world gets an exceedingly well done copy

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Treasure Master

One bad dude's one bad game

Ghoul Patrol

Zombies Ate My Neighbors on ice

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Puzzle Quest: Galactrix

More like Luck Quest: Galucktrix

Monday, January 13, 2014

Sunday, January 12, 2014

No One Can Stop Mr. Domino


Saturday, January 11, 2014

E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy

You've gained Brouzouf.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Bushido Blade

Slashin' Throats and Buyin' Boats

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Magic 2014

The oldest game in the world gets another (good) installation.

A news post

I've recently been inspired by that same French excellence to make more news posts.  After all, this blog kind of appeared from the mist and started generating reviews of mostly obscure games.  Because the world needs another video game review site, right?

Well, first for our purpose.  We're mostly going to be writing video game reviews, but not with the end goal of becoming the new Gamespot.  No sir, we live to entertain.  Our reviews may be less professional, or perhaps more professional depending on where you normally get your reviews, but they'll always be a pleasure to read.  A reaaaal pleasure. You've probably noticed that GZ doesn't put any sort of summary and I just tell you whether or not to wait for a price drop.  We believe that, while numbers can be useful in day to day life, the current state of game reviews is such that almost every game is between 70 and 80, and that's stupid and not useful.  Thus we shy away from that system and instead explain games in our own zany way.  It's not so much a matter of breaking the mold as it is having a reason to exist.

We'll also, eventually, be writing "articles" such as this one.  Think of them as things we make when we want to write something but don't have anything to review.  I keep comparing and contrasting Goblin Axis with Cracked to GZ, so I'll do it again here.  The articles will be random crap we spew out much like Cracked does.  Enjoy spew.  I really can't say for certain what to expect.  At the moment the idea of writing a short story about some arbitrary topic seems asinine but all it takes is a sharp wit to make it asiten.

And finally, flashes.  We'll make them.   Maybe.  There's a program called Anime Studio which sounds like it's designed to make terrible Naruto fan fiction.  It kind of is.  It's also a fully functional swf-making program though, so look forward to the day I finally decide to try it out and see if it's worth buying.  If not our only other choice that I know of would be to get Flash from Adobe,  I'm not going to do that.  The dollars, they are too numerous.  Don't expect them to be great, but if my past tells me anything it's that they'll be charming in their own way.  Are you familiar with the concept of wabi sabi, the Japanese term that means flaws that add character to something?  Well our flashes are going to have such unrelenting quantities of wabi sabi that you may throw up.

GA is still a work in progress but we actually have a good deal of experience with this kind of thing.  Why, our previous site was so terrible that we vowed never to fill the internet with such crapulence ever again.  That's good news for you, the consumer.  Expect things to get better and better with each passing second until eventually we hit critical smile mass and then something happens.  But really what I mean is expect the site to evolve until we're satisfied.  The layout may change but the content will continue to be us writing words that we make into things people want to read.   Also terrible cartoons.

This post feels like it's a rambling, incoherent mess, but it's 3 AM.  I'm tired enough that I'm just kind of typing whatever the voice in my head says, but I'm lucid enough to know to make this disclaimer.  Lucky you.  And with that, I sleep.

Rockin' Kats

Willy the Cat has the Fist of the North Star

Monday, January 6, 2014

Skyward Collapse

Collapse in a skyward fashion with Skyward Collapse.

Sunday, January 5, 2014


The game with a heart of gold and a severe fun deficit.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Rodney's Wonder Window

A artistic stylings of Rodney A. Greenblat

Valdis Story: Abyssal City

I've never met a Castleroid I didn't like.

Awesome Possum

He's found my control panel!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Legend of Grimrock

Updating dungeon crawlers for the 21st century

Risk Of Rain

They will surely feast on your flesh.