
Saturday, December 28, 2013

How did you get so sly, they ask me

I'll never tell them.  But I will tell them all about our nice new site.

The name is Goblin Axis.  It's entirely arbitrary.  Neither of us are goblins, or write about goblins, or really even like goblins all that much.  The purpose of the site is essentially a dumping ground for anything the two of us (more on that later) feel like making.  It's going to be almost entirely articles we write, but don't be surprised if you see something like an animation, music, a shack made out of taped-together straws, whatever.  We will focus on video game reviews though, because they're easy, fun, and do the world a service, albeit a minor one.  Don't worry, we'll have a navbar to filter out all the other crap.

I am Sly Ghost.  Again, arbitrary.  I'm not a ghost and I don't really consider myself sly.  It's a nice name though.  Makes you feel like you're reading things written by the spirit of a card sharp or something.  You know, like I'm shuffling a deck using my mind powers while also reviewing video games.  No?  Well whatever.  I like it anyway.

Gravity Zombie will introduce himself forthwith.  He's the second member of the GA crew.  He is also the only other member at the moment.  Only the best get a non-paying job here at the Axis.

As for who we actually are, well, that's a big mystery.  Can you solve it?  Probably.  We're not hiding, we just like pseudonyms.  Until then, enjoy yourself as SG and GZ build GA's legacy.

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