
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Friday, March 27, 2015

Weekly Wampa or whatever

As you can see, I decided to stop reviewing that Humble Bundle, mainly because every game in it was mediocre at best save for like two.  But don't fret, imaginary reader, because I've got something else in store.  I bought last week's bundle - or rather, I paid 2 dollars for it and got half of it - and it turns out two of the games that were inside are actually really, really good.  The other one, not so much.  I think I'll review the good two in the next couple of days, which is unusual because I don't think I've ever posted updates for more than about a month in a row before.

I also bought the Humble Bundle proper, but since they're android games I may or may not bother.  But if they turn out to be great, why not, right?


Monday, March 2, 2015


you just gotta look at things differently sometimes, maaaaan

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Fairy Bloom Freesia (WBW)

The parade of little girls begins.

RefleX (WBW)

Going out with a boing.


From start to game over in 10 minutes.

Friday, February 27, 2015


Googling this game is impossible.